Imagine watching a show on television about an ancient tribe in some third world country. Often you will see that they have certain rituals that are never broken. No matter the weather, their health or personal challenges they are facing, they still attend the ritual. They attend as if their life depends on it, as if their reputation would be tarnished in their absence.
Your real estate business should be treated like a ritual. As we observe real estate agents across the country, we see many examples of inconsistency in one’s schedule. They show up one day at 10 am and the next day at 3pm. You never know when they will be there. Lack of consistency in ones schedule usually results in lack of consistency in income which is by far the biggest reason for failure.
It is extremely important for you to breakup your day into two schedules. The first one we call ‘The Ritual’ and the next we call the schedule. ‘The Ritual’ consists of very few activities and lacks in flexibility. In order to complete ‘The Ritual ‘correctly, you must complete it first thing in the morning without interruption.
The schedule offers plenty of flexibility and need to begin after the ritual is complete. This will consist of a multitude of tasks depending on appointments, follow up, negotiations and other orders of business necessary to complete. It is recommended that the schedule start at 11:00 am each day.
It is recommended that ‘The Ritual’ start at 8:00 AM and continue till 11:00 AM and consist of only one thing, INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES!
The following is an example of a powerful ‘Ritual’:
5:00 am Wake up and be thankful for something
5:30 am Workout
6:30 am Get ready for the day and listen to motivational cd’s
7:30 am Arrive in office 10-10 visualization
8:00 am Prospect
11:00 am Work your schedule
The following is an example of a powerful schedule:
11:00 am Check messages
11:30 am Lunch
12:30 am Return Calls
1:00 pm Research Properties
2:00 pm Buyer appointment
3:30 pm Listing appointment
4:30 pm Negotiate
5:00 pm GO HOME