New Seller Script Alert: Besides the MLS, what do you do to sell homes?

Besides the MLS, what do you do to sell homes? Mr. Seller, I’m glad you asked that question. As a matter of fact, I feel more sellers should be asking that question since that is the only strategy for many agents. The MLS is important but that is not what sets my selling strategies apart… Read more »

What is Contact Junkie?

How Automation Changed The Follow Up Game   Do you find it difficult fitting in enough lead follow up during your day? Do you ever follow up too late? Do you have issues with following up too little?   Here’s a thought…. You never lose business due to too much follow up. And, you never… Read more »

Art Of Price Reduction

Price reductions are a critical part of the business. Let’s face it, we use our knowledge to price a property and sometimes it still doesn’t sell. As a real estate agent, I don’t want to beat up a seller on price. We all want to get the seller top dollar. But, we still find ourselves… Read more »