Infusionsoft Marketing Automation For Real Estate Teams

Real Estate Teams are a trend that will not likely go away anytime soon. We are seeing teams pop up everywhere and in many cases, teams are now expanding beyond their primary market.

One challenge we see with teams these days is their inability to handle multiple databases in an efficient manner.

Each of their team member (agents) have databases in the their cell phones, emails programs or in different CRM’s.

Even those that offer a CRM to their team find themselves frustrated because they databases are not being worked properly leading to lost opportunities.

Here are 3 Things You Can Do To Monetize a Team Database

  1. Build One Database With Multiple Contact Owners

One way to grow your teams business is by scaling your market efforts across the entire teams database.

But, there will be team members that could be reluctant to give you their databases thinking that they won’t be promoted anywhere in the marketing.

By logging the contact owner in the Infusionsoft database, each agent can get their recognition as well as your team.

This feature is loved by your team members and is enough to trust you with their databases.

Now you will have a larger database to market to which will bring your agents more business and grow the team transactions.

2. Lead Identification Triggers

Most team owners/leaders are frustrated when they learn of a missed listing or buyer opportunity because of the agent NOT following up properly.

We use Infusionsoft to make sure that the system itself notifies our agents when one of their leads is actively engaging in our content, websites and more.

Built in triggers in a nurture campaign is an effective way for the team owner to alert their agents when they need to call a lead.

The key to growing your team transaction is to make sure you are not letting business slip through your hands.

  1. One On One Versus One Size Fits All

One way to take your team to the next level is making sure that you make everyone in your database feel as if you are talking direct to them.

No one wants to feel like they are a part of a Mass Blast Email.

When executed properly, you can run multiple campaigns to different segments of your database making them feel as if you are sending them one-off emails to them only.

As you make people feel you are speaking to them, their engagement increases and you do more deals.


There are many ways to leverage marketing automation for team growth.

We know one thing for sure and that is a team needs to add value to their agents in order to retain them over the long run.

We found that our Infusionsoft system has help each team member increase personal sales. As their sales grow, they make more money, we make more money and we stay together for years.

A good marketing automation system will help you do more deals and attract better talent for your team. This becomes part of your value proposition for your next recruit.

If you want more information and a demo of how you can grow your team, click  Infusionsoft Campaign Demo.

I hope you find this information helpful. Feel free to follow us on Facebook or Facebook Message me if I can answer a question.

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Greg Harrelson                              

Be The Solution