Infusionsoft – Real Estate Content – One Size Does NOT Fit All

Infusionsoft – Real Estate Content – One Size Does NOT Fit All 

Think about all of the emails that show up in your inbox everyday. If you are like most people, you look for the emails that you can delete before you start reading the emails that you think are important.

This is exactly what the consumer is doing each day. As real estate agents, a lot of our emails are being deleted without ever being read. If people are not reading our emails then it is nearly impossible to make a connection that will foster into a relationship or a transaction.

The demand for custom real estate content is increasing. The key to good content is making sure that your message is relevant to the readers needs.

Here are 5 Content Tips to Convert your Database into Deals: 

  1. Think about what you would want to know and create content that provides that information. Would you want to receive an email about staging your home or turning back the clock? Those are the types of emails that get deleted first.
  2. Keep the message short and to the point. Make sure the reader understands the intent within the first two sentences. Remember, they be reading your message on a mobile phone.
  3. Send a message that is consistent with their click patterns. Infusionsoft allows you to see what your prospects are reading so you need to send additional information that is consistent with what they want to read.
  4. As a real estate professional, you want to use Infusionsoft to score your prospects level of engagement. When you see that a lead is engaging in your content then make sure you give them a call right away.
  5. Evaluate your own content. If people are not engaging in your content then that is sign that they are tuning you out. Keep changing the content until you see that they are clicking for additional information.

Infusionsoft for real estate agents is changing the way that we communicate with the consumer. When we provide the content that the consumer demands then they start to feel we are listening. When the consumer thinks we are listening to them then they listen to us.

Good Luck to all of the real estate agents using Infusionsoft.