Mini Business Plan

This mini business plan is designed to produce immediate results while allowing plenty of flexibility to change directions depending on the results that you produce. In order for you to experience success, you must be 100% committed to following the plan as it is written. This is a 6 day plan that starts on a Monday and ends on Saturday. Your result will be determined by your attitude, approach and expectations.

Four Key Components of the Mini Business Plan

  1. The Morning Ritual
  2. The Generation Schedule
  3. The Daily Activities
  4. The Report Card

Key Component Definitions

The Morning Ritual – The difference in a ritual and a schedule is that rituals cannot be broken. Rituals lack flexibility while schedules can be rearranged. This ritual is how you must start your day for each day of this mini plan; no exceptions.

The Generation Schedule – The Generation schedule is part of the morning ritual yet this schedule focuses solely on income generating activities. It is inside of The Generation Schedule that income is produced. This is one of the most important parts of your day. Repetitious boredom must be embraced.

The Daily Activities – This is simply a schedule list of activities that you must complete daily in order to produce a desired result.

The Report Card – This is where you track your progress and monitor your results to assure maximum effiecency and to identify where your skills may need some improvement. The Report Card must be completed each day and tallied at the end of the week. Your actual results must equal the beginning goal if you expect to produce your desired result.

It is now time to Be in Action and focus on creating results. On the next page, you will see a specific plan that when followed will produce results. Remember, creating extraordinary results in business will require that you commit to the process.

The Morning Ritual – Week 1

You must follow this ritual Monday through Friday.

Requirement: You must purchase a motivational audio book and listen to it while driving and while exercising – No Exceptions.

5:30 am      Wake up
6:00 am      Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes while listening to a motivational audio book
7:45 am       Arrive to office
8:00 am      Follow The Generation Schedule

The Generation Schedule – Week 1
The goal is to talk to a minimum of 20 people during this generation schedule

8:00 am       Prospect
9:00 am       Break
9:15 am        Prospect

The Daily Activities Schedule – Week 1
10:00 am Lead Follow Up – call any seller or buyer leads and set appointments
10:45 am Check email
11:15 am Return Calls
12:00 pm Lunch
1;00 pm Attend appointments
3:30 pm Mail Daily Expired Post Cards
4:00 pm Go Home

The Report Card – Week 1
Daily Contacts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Leads Generated
1 2 3 4 5

Appointments Set
1 2 3

Workout – yes or no (circle one)
Mail Daily Expired Postcards – yes or no (circle one)
Listen To Motivational Audio Books – yes or no (circle one)

The Morning Ritual – Week 2

You must follow this ritual Monday through Friday.

Requirement: You must purchase a motivational audio book and listen to it while driving and while exercising – No Exceptions.

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes while listening to a motivational audio book
7:45 am Arrive to office
8:00 am Follow The Generation Schedule

The Generation Schedule – Week 2
The goal is to talk to a minimum of 20 people during this generation schedule

8:00 am Prospect
9:00 am Break
9:15 am Prospect

The Daily Activities Schedule – Week 2

10:00 am Lead Follow Up – call any seller or buyer leads and set appointments
10:45 am Check email
11:15 am Return Calls
12:00 pm Lunch
1;00 pm Attend appointments
3:30 pm Mail Daily Expired Post Cards
4:00 pm Go Home

The Report Card – Week 2
Daily Contacts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Leads Generated
1 2 3 4 5

Appointments Set
1 2 3

Workout – yes or no (circle one)
Mail Daily Expired Postcards – yes or no (circle one)
Listen To Motivational Audio Books – yes or no (circle one)

The Morning Ritual – Week 3
You must follow this ritual Monday through Friday.

Requirement: You must purchase a motivational audio book and listen to it while driving and while exercising – No Exceptions.

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes while listening to a motivational audio book
7:45 am Arrive to office
8:00 am Follow The Generation Schedule

The Generation Schedule – Week 3
The goal is to talk to a minimum of 20 people during this generation schedule

8:00 am Prospect
9:00 am Break
9:15 am Prospect

The Daily Activities Schedule – Week 3

10:00 am Lead Follow Up – call any seller or buyer leads and set appointments
10:45 am Check email
11:15 am Return Calls
12:00 pm Lunch
1;00 pm Attend appointments
3:30 pm Mail Daily Expired Post Cards
4:00 pm Go Home

The Report Card – Week 3

Daily Contacts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Leads Generated
1 2 3 4 5

Appointments Set
1 2 3

Workout – yes or no (circle one)
Mail Daily Expired Postcards – yes or no (circle one)
Listen To Motivational Audio Books – yes or no (circle one)

The Morning Ritual – Week 4
You must follow this ritual Monday through Friday.

Requirement: You must purchase a motivational audio book and listen to it while driving and while exercising – No Exceptions.

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes while listening to a motivational audio book
7:45 am Arrive to office
8:00 am Follow The Generation Schedule

The Generation Schedule – Week 4
The goal is to talk to a minimum of 20 people during this generation schedule

8:00 am Prospect
9:00 am Break
9:15 am Prospect

The Daily Activities Schedule – Week 4
10:00 am Lead Follow Up – call any seller or buyer leads and set appointments
10:45 am Check email
11:15 am Return Calls
12:00 pm Lunch
1;00 pm Attend appointments
3:30 pm Mail Daily Expired Post Cards
4:00 pm Go Home

The Report Card – Week 4
Daily Contacts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Leads Generated
1 2 3 4 5

Appointments Set
1 2 3

Workout – yes or no (circle one)
Mail Daily Expired Postcards – yes or no (circle one)
Listen To Motivational Audio Books – yes or no (circle one)

The Morning Ritual – Week 5
You must follow this ritual Monday through Friday.

Requirement: You must purchase a motivational audio book and listen to it while driving and while exercising – No Exceptions.

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes while listening to a motivational audio book
7:45 am Arrive to office
8:00 am Follow The Generation Schedule

The Generation Schedule – Week 5
The goal is to talk to a minimum of 20 people during this generation schedule

8:00 am Prospect
9:00 am Break
9:15 am Prospect

The Daily Activities Schedule – Week 5
10:00 am Lead Follow Up – call any seller or buyer leads and set appointments
10:45 am Check email
11:15 am Return Calls
12:00 pm Lunch
1;00 pm Attend appointments
3:30 pm Mail Daily Expired Post Cards
4:00 pm Go Home

The Report Card – Week 5
Daily Contacts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Leads Generated
1 2 3 4 5

Appointments Set
1 2 3

Workout – yes or no (circle one)
Mail Daily Expired Postcards – yes or no (circle one)
Listen To Motivational Audio Books – yes or no (circle one)