Not too long ago, I mentioned to each of you that you needed to reduce at least 40% of your inventory immediately. I am committed to helping you reaxch your goals this year and know that my job will be to hold you more accountable to your promises than ever before. I will not make suggestions unless I feel that you will rpoft in the end.
You HAVE to make these reductions now. Do not make one today, one in a few days and then one next week.
Here is how you will succeed with these reductions.
1. Stop what you are doing.
2. Choose 40% of your listings and set the files aside.
3. Do a cma for each of the files and staple it to the front of the file.
4. Choose a day and put it in the schedule to call them all at one time.
5. Send an email to each seller and let them know you will be calling and on what day.
6. Show up for you appointment and call each one.
7. Remember WHY you are asking for the reduction…you are there to help them sell!
8. Go for the big reduction and when they so No two times…then ask for a lessor reduction.
9. Get something from every call.
10. Have fun..Make some Money.