9 Things You Can Do Today To Generate Business

The trick to generating new business isn’t thinking of something new. In order to generate more business you just need to execute on the simple things that work and are not difficult to do.

Here are 9 Super Simple Strategies that will give you a boost and add to your pipeline:

1. Post a listing for sale on Facebook Marketplace.

2. Post a listing for sale on Craigslist.

3. Talk to 50 homeowners around a listing that just sold.

4. Call 10 FSBO’S.

If you need help taking listings from For Sale By Owners, then check out our FSBO Kickstarter Course.

5. Call 10 New Expireds.

6. Call 20 Old Expireds.

7. Request 1 price reduction on a listing that’s not selling.

8. Text 20 COI and Past Clients.

9. Text 30 Buyer Leads you haven’t spoken to in the last 60 days.

Choose any of these ideas and you will see immediate movement forward in your real estate business.

It doesn’t always take those shiny real estate agent tools to get your business going. Just Keep It Simple!