What can I do to increase listing and buyer leads? 1. You have to have a prospecting system that out works the competition and the market. 2. Look into Boom Town and Tiger Leads or Real estate web masters for more buyer leads. 3. Remember the most profitable part of my business is to self… Read more »
Creative Thinking —How can I be more efficient and improve communications with clients?
1. Create a communication calendar 2. Sign up for a feedback service to automate the process of reporting comments from showings. 3. Sign up your sellers for market snapshot. 4. Sign up your sellers for mls updates so they are alerted every time another property gets listed or reduced. 5. Use drip systems and a… Read more »
4 Things You MUST Do to Make 2012 Your Best Year Ever
Drive your car looking through the windshield…not the rear view mirror. Too many business people look at the past to make future business decisions. The challenge with the past is that it is not always how we want it to be. Here are some things that we will see in our past. 1. Massive decline… Read more »
187 Ways to Improve Your Business
19 Ways to Create Business to Come to Me (Contributed by Greg Sisson) 1) Join Civic Organization 2) Take someone to lunch once per week doing way more than me 3) Expand e-mail communities 4) Refer business to more people 5) Strengthen my mindset which will attract more to me 6) Another Referral Company like… Read more »
Creative Thinking —– How can I stay motivated or increase my motivation?
1. Exercise every morning. 2. Hang around more people that are out of the box thinkers and motivated themselves. 3. Volunteer your time to charity. 4. Start or join a mastermind group where you are not the top producer. 5. Interview one multi millionaire business person every month. 6. Figure out your true purpose or… Read more »
Real Estate Tip from Greg Harrelson
I hope this year is starting off good for you and your business. Personally, I believe we can all achieve great success this year in real estate if we apply the right mindset. For the past 5 years, so many agents have been trying to figure out if the market is going down further or… Read more »
Creative Thinking – How can I use leverage to attract more listing opportunities?
1. I can have my wife send 10 emails per day to Internet FSBO’s. 2. I can have someone email every new craigslist fsbo looking for people who will consider agents. 3. I can create a networking group where we focus on sending each other referrals. 4. I can have someone email people who are… Read more »