I happened to be a guest on a conference call of nearly 300 great agents and we were discussing how to grow your real estate business in an unpredictable market, meaning, a market where we are not sure if we have hit bottom, if it is going down further or if we are in the… Read more »
Breath Life into those Expired’s without numbers.
Prospecting is a critical factor to growing any real estate business. Most agents think that prospecting is doing nothing more then randomly calling strangers. That could not be further from the truth. Agents also make the mistake of thinking that the only people they can prospect is buyers or sellers, once again, a mistake. In… Read more »
Creative Thinking —– How can I stay motivated or increase my motivation?
1. Exercise every morning. 2. Hang around more people that are out of the box thinkers and motivated themselves. 3. Volunteer your time to charity. 4. Start or join a mastermind group where you are not the top producer. 5. Interview one multi millionaire business person every month. 6. Figure out your true purpose or… Read more »
The 90 Day ‘Chump to Champ’ Challenge — Jill Powell
The next 90 days allows you the opportunity to set yourself up for fantastic production in 2012. As we know, the difference between those who get great results versus those who produce World Class results is the simple term: “EXECUTION” The following tasks are required from you in order to reach your stated goal of… Read more »
Reasons Why people set goals and Fail to Follow Through!
The purpose of this article is to discuss the characteristics that successful people have in common. Specifically, the characteristics that inspire them to take massive action and follow through. As you’ll see, the solution is really quite simple and available to each one of us. First, let’s identify why what it is that causes people… Read more »
Coaching Call – Transform Your Business in 7 Days
No matter what your production level, there is always an opportunity to grow your production without reinvention of your business and many times without much effort. Typically, the going to the next level takes less physical effort then it takes to produce at the currently level. Though the next level is not physically taxing, it… Read more »
Things I’ve learned or remembered in the past 14 days
1. If you want to motivate yourself at the highest level, If you want to be on fire in your business and in your life… You must seek to motivate your peers. You must stoke the fire in others if you want your fire to burn hot. Motivating your peers is the accountability that you… Read more »
The 90 Day ‘Chump to Champ’ Challenge — Mitch Gainforth
The next 90 days allows you the opportunity to set yourself up for fantastic production in 2012. As we know, the difference between those who get great results versus those who produce World Class results is the simple term: “EXECUTION” The following tasks are required from you in order to reach your stated goal of… Read more »
The Myrtle Beach Real Estate Market could be confusing!
Are you prepared to Succeed? I have had fielded many calls from real estate agents around the country asking me what I felt about the recent volatility on the stock market and how I thought this would impact our real estate market. The fact of the matter is that we cannot predict what will happen… Read more »
90% of what agent’s do account for 90% of their losses!
*View The PDF Version Here. There is an old principle in business that is referred to as the 80/20 principle. This principle says that 80% of revenue is generated from just 20% of the product or the services. And, 20% of the revenue is generated from 80% of the products and services. And , 20%… Read more »