
Growing In An Unpredictable Market

I happened to be a guest on a conference call of nearly 300 great agents and we were discussing how to grow your real estate business in an unpredictable market, meaning, a market where we are not sure if we have hit bottom, if it is going down further or if we are in the… Read more »

Reasons Why people set goals and Fail to Follow Through!

The purpose of this article is to discuss the characteristics that successful people have in common. Specifically, the characteristics that inspire them to take massive action and follow through. As you’ll see, the solution is really quite simple and available to each one of us. First, let’s identify why what it is that causes people… Read more »

Coaching Call – Transform Your Business in 7 Days

No matter what your production level, there is always an opportunity to grow your production without reinvention of your business and many times without much effort. Typically, the going to the next level takes less physical effort then it takes to produce at the currently level. Though the next level is not physically taxing, it… Read more »